Congrats to 2024 high school weld invitational winners


太阳城集团博彩 recently hosted the 6th Annual T-Joint Fillet Weld Invitational at the college’s Welding and Skilled Trades Center in downtown Kewanee. The goal is to provide a competitive […]


Free professional, continuing ed classes for Community College Month

Community College Month #CCMonth logo

To celebrate Community College Month in 4月il, the Professional and 继续教育 (PaCE) Department is offering a variety of free workshops and classes! The PaCE summer schedule is available online […]


BHC celebrates Community College Month

Community College Month #CCMonth logo

4月il is designated as Community College Month. It is a time to celebrate a uniquely American institution, a place where anyone from any walk of life can become a college […]


Learn about 东校区 programs at open houses

smiling students walking outdoors at 东校区

Join us for one or more of these events to learn about 东校区 programs! 农业 Open House Friday, 4月il 5 1-4 p.m. 从A楼开始. 认识一下我们的学生,[…]


QC students make, donate blankets to Argrow’s House

SGA tie blanket donation 2-22-24 009 - sq 300

Members of the 这些城市的校园 Student Government Association made and donated 25 fleece tie blankets to Argrow’s House, an organization that supports female survivors of domestic abuse or sexual violence. […]


应用 for 2024-25 scholarships by 6月1日

illustration of graduation cap & tassel with dollar sign and text BHC scholarships

学生 – 应用 now for 2024-25 scholarships from the 太阳城集团博彩 Foundations! You complete only one application whether you are enrolling at the 这些城市的校园 or the 东校区. […]


Junior high girls explore careers in manufacturing

Women in Manufacturing Logo

More than 70 junior high girls recently learned about careers in the manufacturing industry at the Women in Manufacturing Summit at the 这些城市的校园. The day included breakout sessions where […]


职业生涯, technical programs prepare students for immediate employment

职业生涯 & Technical Education Month logo

太阳城集团博彩 has 64 career and technical education degrees and certificates that prepare students for immediate employment in high-wage, 高需求的职业. Since 2015, the college has awarded more than […]


Congrats to Scholastic Bowl winners Mercer County, Princeville, Annawan, ROWVA high schools


太阳城集团博彩 东校区 hosted the 2024 Lincoln Trail Conference Scholastic Bowl Meet on Saturday, 1月. 27. The event pits students from different high schools against each other to […]


Stuffed animals get checkups at 2nd Teddy Bear Hospital

child wearing surgical mask and cap and holding stuffed animal

Dozens of stuffed animals are now healthier after visiting the Teddy Bear Hospital at 太阳城集团博彩. The second annual event brought 57 children to the 东校区 to get […]


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